

treatment Plant

Hesston, Kansas

The City of Hesston’s wastewater treatment facility and two pump stations within the sanitary sewer collection system were considerably outdated and deteriorated. SMH was hired to evaluate the existing plant processes and pump stations, make improvement recommendations, and subsequently, design the selected improvements. Additional project features included:

-          New headwork building including a mechanical bar screen, grit removal, and flow measurement

-          New aeration basin equipment includes DO and ORP probes; computerized monitoring and operations controls; motor VFDs; new shafts, discs, and rotors

-          New mechanisms and covers on two clarifiers

-          New sludge and scum pumps

-          New effluent pump to provide irrigation water to the City’s golf course

-          Complete replacement of two pump stations within the sewer collection system with duplex, submersible pump stations

LOCATION: Hesston, Kansas

CLIENT: City of Hesston

SERVICES PERFORMED: Design, bidding, construction administration, and construction observation services